Productive entrepreneur using TelOnline telephony


There are 3 technologies on which we make our calls: analog, digital and IP voice. They can interact with each other when we make a call. Why? All networks are combined to make it possible. Therefore, before moving forward we explain each one of them:

* Analog: They allow only one communication per active line; one call at a time (1 channel) and operate with geographic numbering or direct dialing (DDI) service most used in the residential market.

* Digital: 2 simultaneous calls (2 channels) can be made; Each with DDI. That is why it is usually configured in switchboards to use a number as the main one and jump to other numbers if it is busy.

Also, they allow up to 30 simultaneous communications (30 channels). For this reason they are used in the business market.

* IP Voice: The lines are not physical but rather of the Internet network infrastructure, which allows multiple simultaneous calls and the numbers are virtual (hosted in the operator’s cloud).

Without limits! You can have the numbers of the geographical destination you need, a special advantage for companies with locations in multiple locations.

By understanding these three communication technologies, you can know their application in telephone networks (switchboards) for companies …

The VoIP Switchboards, are based on the standard of IP Communication as well as Internet data. That is why they are the most modern and advanced solution on the market, their many advantages are:

  • 1. Each user’s phone will be connected to any Ethernet network point, being able to share the network with the computers; It brings 2 ports to share the service.
  • 2. The lines to be used can be Voice IP (SIP trunk), digital, analog or even through mobile links when buying gateways for each type.
  • 3. By using IP voice you can virtualize the switchboard server in the cloud, even if users are in multiple geographic locations without additional telephony costs.

Now you can be more clear about what is convenient for your company’s telephone network based on your needs for communication, current wiring and / or the functionalities you require.

On the market there are solutions of all kinds, where these technologies can be at the same time on the same machine or telephony server. Contact us for a free consultation at or call: USA +1.954.894.6181, Colombia +57.1.508.8884 or Mexico +52.55. 4163.4865.

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