Woman working from Home using TelOnline CloudPBX

The new way of work from Home after Pandemic COVID using CloudPBX

As companies come to grips with how to handle the Coronavirus issue, more and more companies are instituting work from home policies of some sort. Many companies who utilize a UC system will probably see that employees working from home had less impact than they thought it might. 

This even helps companies get to their “green” goals, since working from home can help reduce a company’s carbon footprint simply because employees aren’t driving to work.

This work from home time we are in now, likely will further expand cloud and UC footprints. If you are thinking of installing a business phone system to help your employees work better from home, then our Cloud Services can help you. 

With our products you can make and receive business calls from anywhere, chat and share files with your team. We also have toll-free numbers and local numbers from 160+ countries.

In this unprecedented moment, we believe it is our responsibility to help more companies stay connected and seamlessly switch to an agile teleworking model during the COVID-19 crisis. Stay safe and hope for the best. Contact us for a free consultation at www.TelOnline.com or call: USA +1.954.894.6181, Colombia +57.1.508.8884 or Mexico +52.55. 4163.4865.

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