TelOnline and Google Cloud partners in cloud server solutions


Google Cloud

Thanks to technological advances, you can stop worrying if your physical PBX is discontinued or with insufficient resources that affect the quality of telephone service.

With the Servers in the Cloud you can access a virtual space with the resources that your IP telephone system really needs anywhere, anytime.

This technology is ideal for constantly growing companies; It allows you to invest in a telephone solution that meets today’s needs with possible future demand.

That is why Google Cloud and TelOnline offer you a robust and fast platform, with excellent features:

  • * Easy to implement and use; It does not require physical space and eliminates operational complexity.
  • * It is scalable, you can expand or reduce resources as your company grows.
  • * Highly Safe and Reliable reducing risks with a single form of access, storage and data management.
  • * You can change the initial investment costs for monthly operating expenses.
  • * You can manage the infrastructure so the end user experience is almost the same, only it doesn’t have a hardware.
  • * You can install the IP PBX software or any license you have purchased from a Linux or Windows environment.


Modernize your telephone system and ensure efficiency in your services Have you made the decision? Yes? Welcome to Google Cloud in TelOnline. Contact us for a free consultation at or call: USA +1.954.894.6181, Colombia +57.1.508.8884 or Mexico +52.55. 4163.4865.

Copyright © TelOnline - 2023


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TelOnline Advanced Communications Solution

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Adriana Malanga, The Caribbean Resort By The Ocean

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