Highway interconnects by UCaaS in the Cloud


In the last two years, all economic sectors had a drop due to the covid-19 pandemic, since many already work from home and drive less. For that reason, companies look for many options and solutions to improve their sales and their competitiveness in the sector.

One of the strongest sectors in the global economy without a doubt is the automotive sector. Today, there are many alternatives to help improve many sectors economically, including the automotive industry.

One option is UCaaS. Alternately known as “Unified Communications as a Service”. UCaaS is a cloud-hosted portfolio that brings on-demand access to the enterprise communications and collaboration tools that are vital for today’s businesses. Available over a single, streamlined user interface, UCaaS covers aspects such as mobility, business telephony, conferencing, unified and instant messaging and other communication applications.

Generally speaking, a UCaaS system like TelOnine’s helps streamline operations in many different ways, making it an optimal working and communication option, both front and back, for anyone competing in the automotive sector, since it allows unifying communications between the people who use it, whether they are transport companies or companies and employers that must constantly mobilize.

Multiple benefits to use Ucaas are:

Reinforcing CRM: UCaaS can help to optimize customer service, presenting elements to aid CRM, including sales oversight, query fulfillment, customer retention and quality assurance.

Improving Call Management: The UCaaS interface is streamlined to provide quick and easy access to its features.

Do you want more information about Ucaas service for your company?

Talk to a specialist NOW!

More information at www.TelOnline.com or call: USA +1.954.894.6181, Colombia +57.1.508.8884 or Mexico +52.55. 4163.4865.

Source: https://www.sangoma.com/



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