How Shopper Direct will help me to increase Sales?

Exclusive discounts and offers await with the Shopper Direct program for independent grocery stores. Sign up for SMS alerts to stay informed

The aftermath of the Covid pandemic, inflation, and unequal competition keep independent supermarkets in an endless search for savings alternatives in their operations while continuing to offer quality and convenience to their customers. A difficult task to achieve, but not impossible, at least for Shopper Direct.

Our engineers Juan Carlos Castaneda (CEO) and Ivan Penalosa (CTO), together with their TelOnline team, understood supermarkets’ great need and took on the task of creating the Shopper Direct digital solution. This tool allows retailers to increase their sales while improving and personalizing communication with their customers through a digital loyalty program, with services such as the mobile application, the supermarket’s website, and the creation of kiosks.

Shopper Direct’s digital solution supports independent supermarkets by optimizing communication processes with their customers through smartphones. In this way, stores can minimize the costly system of weekly mailings of printed advertisements to promote grocery sales and special offers.

“The issue is that with so much information coming into their homes, the percentage of people who check the ads is meager, like three percent, and it turns out to be a very high cost for the supermarket,” explained our CEO in an interview with Abasto magazine.

In addition, with Shopper Direct supermarkets can create their database by collecting customer information quickly and efficiently when paying for their purchases at the cash register. Thus, the store establishes direct communication with the shopper, who will receive through a text message on their smartphone information about special offers and other services offered by the supermarket.

“We created a kiosk that is easy to access so that the customer feels the desire to enter their information and feel connected with the supermarket. At the same time, the store can offer them personalized incentives, a loyalty plan with rebates, and special offers so that the customer feels increasingly motivated to do their shopping in the same place,” Castaneda explained. “Today, we have supermarkets that have captured the information of 20,000 customers in one place,” noted TelOnline’s CEO.

Whereby, Supermarkets can Build Customer Loyalty Quickly and Easily. Also, working as a team, TelOnline specialists and the supermarket’s marketing department use the information shoppers provide to develop the mobile marketing strategies of text messages they send to customers.

While the design of Shopper Direct takes into account the lack of time and personnel in supermarkets to implement complex technology systems. Therefore, it is designed on a simple and easy-to-access platform in Spanish, English, and other languages. With TelOnline technical support, stores retain and attract more shoppers, increase sales and increase customer traffic in their stores with price and sales promotions.

Shopper Direct allows independent supermarkets to access digital customer loyalty solutions that have been exclusive to large chains.

“For many independent supermarkets that manage meager revenue margins, it is too costly to have an engineering department, an IT manager, or even a marketing department. That is why with TelOnline, we want to be like partners with supermarkets, an ally that does not simply offer a product and a service but remains connected with customers to support them in their technological needs,” said Castaneda.

If you want to contact Shopper Direct’s digital solution in your supermarket and the TelOnline team as a strategic ally in your sales and attracting Shoppers. Contact us today at or call: USA +1.954.894.6181, Colombia +57.1.508.8884 or Mexico +52.55. 4163.4865.


Grocery Grooves: The Timeless Beat of Supermarket Radio Ads

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing strategies, one classic medium continues to strike a harmonious chord with consumers: radio advertising. Amidst the digital cacophony, supermarkets have found a secret ingredient for staying relevant—a tune that resonates through the airwaves and into the hearts of their customers.

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